Fortran Bindings

Main Functions

In general usage, the aim of CPL library is to provide a minimal set of functions to facilitate coupling. These include an initialisation, setup used on both CFD and MD side then a send and recieve command. There is also a helper function to provide

CPL init

subroutine  cpl_init(callingrealm, returned_realm_comm, ierror)

(cfd+md) Splits MPI_COMM_WORLD in both the CFD and MD code respectively and create intercommunicator between CFD and MD


Assumes MPI has been initialised MPI_init and communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD exists and contains all processors in both CFD and MD regions


CPL_init(callingrealm, RETURNED_REALM_COMM, ierror)


  • callingrealm

    • Should identify calling processor as either CFD_REALM (integer with value 1) or MD_REALM (integer with value 2).



    • Communicator based on callingrealm value local to CFD or MD processor and resulting from the split of MPI_COMM_WORLD

  • ierror

    • Error flag


program main_CFD
   use cpl, only : CPL_init, CPL_finalize
   use mpi
   implicit none

   integer :: rank, nprocs, ierr
   integer :: CFD_COMM
   integer, parameter :: CFD_realm=1

   !Initialise MPI
   call MPI_Init(ierr)

   !Create MD Comm by spliting world
   call CPL_init(CFD_realm, CFD_COMM, ierr)

   !get local processor rank and print
   call MPI_comm_size(CFD_COMM, nprocs, ierr)
   call MPI_comm_rank(CFD_COMM, rank, ierr)

   print*, "CFD code processor ", rank+1, " of ", nprocs

   !No need for seperate CPL finalise as MPI finalise takes care of this
   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(CFD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_CFD
program main_MD
   use cpl, only : CPL_init, CPL_finalize
   use mpi
   implicit none

   integer :: rank, nprocs, ierr
   integer :: MD_COMM
   integer, parameter :: MD_realm=2

   !Initialise MPI
   call MPI_Init(ierr)

   !Create MD Comm by spliting world
   call CPL_init(MD_realm, MD_COMM, ierr)

   call MPI_comm_size(MD_COMM, nprocs, ierr)
   call MPI_comm_rank(MD_COMM, rank, ierr)

   print*, "MD code processor ", rank+1, " of ", nprocs

   !No need for seperate CPL finalise as MPI finalise takes care of this
   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(MD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_MD


COUPLER_ERROR_REALM = 1 ! wrong realm value COUPLER_ERROR_ONE_REALM = 2 ! one realm missing COUPLER_ERROR_INIT = 3 ! initialisation error

  • callingrealm [integer,in] :: CFD_REALM=1 or MD_REALM=2

  • returned_realm_comm [integer,out]

  • ierror [integer,out]



CPL Setup MD

subroutine  cpl_setup_md(icomm_grid, xyzl, xyz_orig)

Initialisation routine for coupler module - Every variable is sent and stored to ensure both md and cfd region have an identical list of parameters


Assumes CPL has been initialised CPL_init and communicator MD_REALM exists


cpl_setup_md(icomm_grid, xyzL, xyz_orig)


  • icomm_grid

    • Communicator based on MD processor topology returned from a call to MPI_CART_CREATE.

  • xyzL

    • MD domain size.

  • xyz_orig

    • MD origin.

  • icomm_grid [integer,in]

  • xyzl (3) [real,in]

  • xyz_orig (3) [real,in]



Call to



subroutine  cpl_setup_cfd(icomm_grid, xyzl, xyz_orig, ncxyz)

Initialisation routine for coupler module - Every variable is sent and stored to ensure both md and cfd region have an identical list of parameters


Assumes CPL has been initialised CPL_init and communicator MD_REALM exists Synopsis

CPL_setup_cfd(icomm_grid, xyzL, xyz_orig, ncxyz)


  • icomm_grid

    • Communicator based on CFD processor topology returned from a call to MPI_CART_CREATE.

  • xyzL

    • CFD domain size.

  • xyz_orig

    • CFD origin.

  • ncxyz

    • Number of CFD cells in global domain.

  • icomm_grid [integer,in]

  • xyzl (3) [real,in]

  • xyz_orig (3) [real,in]

  • ncxyz (3) [integer,in]



Call to


CPL Recv

Note two interfaces exist, CPL_recv_full and CPL_recv_min

subroutine  cpl_recv_full(arecv, limits[, recv_flag])

Receive data from to local grid from the associated ranks from the other realm


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.


CPL_recv(arecv, limits, recv_flag)


  • arecv

    • Array of data to recv. Should be a four dimensional array allocated using the number of cells on the current processor between the limits. Size should be be obtained from CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion).

  • limits

    • Limits in global cell coordinates, must be the same as corresponding send


  • recv_flag

    • Returned flag which indicates success or failure of recv process


call CPL_get_olap_limits(limits)
call CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion)
call CPL_get_no_cells(portion, Ncells)

!Coupled Recieve
allocate(A(3, Ncells(1), Ncells(2), Ncells(3)))
call CPL_recv(A, limits, recv_flag)
  • arecv (,,*,*) [real,inout] :: Pre allocated array that recieves data

  • limits (6) [integer,in] :: Global cell indices with minimum and maximum values to recv

  • recv_flag [logical,out,] :: Flag set if processor has received data


mpi, coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), rank_graph(), error_abort(), cpl_graph_comm(), myid_graph(), olap_mask(), rank_world(), realm(), realm_name(), iblock_realm(), jblock_realm(), kblock_realm(), void(), ierr(), rank_intersect(), cpl_realm_intersection_comm())

Called from


Call to

cpl_cart_coords(), cpl_proc_portion(), cpl_my_proc_portion()

CPL Send

Note two interfaces exist, CPL_send_full and CPL_send_min

subroutine  cpl_send_full(asend, limits[, send_flag])

Send four dimensional array asend of data from all processors in the current realm with data between global cell array limits to the corresponding processors from the other realm.


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.


CPL_send(asend, limits, send_flag)


  • asend

    • Array of data to send. Should be a four dimensional array allocated using the number of cells on the current processor between the limits. Size should be be obtained from CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion).

  • limits

    • Limits in global cell coordinates, must be the same as corresponding recieve


  • send_flag

    • Returned flag which indicates success or failure of send process


 call CPL_get_olap_limits(limits)
 call CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion)
 call CPL_get_no_cells(portion, Ncells)

 !Coupled Send array
 allocate(A(3, Ncells(1), Ncells(2), Ncells(3)))

 do i =portion(1),portion(2)
 do j =portion(3),portion(4)
 do k =portion(5),portion(6)
    ii = i-portion(1)+1; jj = j-portion(3)+1; kk = k-portion(5)+1
    A(1,ii,jj,kk) = dble(i)
    A(2,ii,jj,kk) = dble(j)
    A(3,ii,jj,kk) = dble(k)
 call CPL_send(A, limits, send_flag)

.. sectionauthor::Edward Smith
  • asend (,,*,*) [real,in] :: Array containing data to send

  • limits (6) [integer,in] :: Global cell indices with minimum and maximum values to send

  • send_flag [logical,out,] :: Flag set if processor has passed data


mpi, coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), error_abort(), cpl_graph_comm(), myid_graph(), olap_mask(), rank_world(), realm(), ierr(), void(), cpl_setup_complete(), realm_name(), myid_realm(), rootid_realm(), rank_intersect(), cpl_realm_intersection_comm())

Called from


Call to

cpl_my_proc_portion(), cpl_cart_coords(), cpl_proc_portion(), cpl_get_no_cells()

CPL Get Arrays

subroutine  cpl_get_arrays(recv_array, recv_size, send_array, send_size)

A helper function to get arrays of the required size for cells local to the current processor


The first example shows the CFD side of the exchange, with send/recv arrays obtained from CPL_get_arrays

program main_CFD
    use cpl, only : CPL_Init, CPL_setup_cfd, CPL_send, &
                    CPL_recv, CPL_get_arrays, CPL_finalize
    use mpi
    implicit none

    integer :: time, CFD_COMM, CART_COMM, ierr, CFD_realm=1
    double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), & 
         allocatable  :: send_array, recv_array

    call MPI_Init(ierr)
    call CPL_init(CFD_realm, CFD_COMM, ierr)
    call MPI_Cart_create(CFD_COMM, 3, (/1, 1, 1/), & 
                        (/.true.,.true.,.true./), & 
                         .true., CART_COMM, ierr)
    call CPL_setup_cfd(CART_COMM, (/1.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0/), &
                       (/0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0/), &
                       (/32, 32, 32/))

    call CPL_get_arrays(recv_array, 4, send_array, 1)

    do time=1,5
        call CPL_recv(recv_array)
        print*, "CFD", time, recv_array(1,1,1,1)
        send_array(1,:,:,:) = 2.*time
        call CPL_send(send_array)

   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(CFD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_CFD

The corresponding MD code which matches this, note CPL_get_arrays send and recv arrays are swapped over (as send from CFD in recv on MD and vice versa)

program main_MD
    use cpl, only : CPL_Init, CPL_setup_md, CPL_send, &
                    CPL_recv, CPL_get_arrays, CPL_finalize
    use mpi
    implicit none

    integer :: time, MD_COMM, CART_COMM, ierr, MD_realm=2
    double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), & 
         allocatable  :: send_array, recv_array

    call MPI_Init(ierr)
    call CPL_init(MD_realm, MD_COMM, ierr)
    call MPI_Cart_create(MD_COMM, 3, (/1, 1, 1/), & 
                        (/.true.,.true.,.true./), & 
                         .true., CART_COMM, ierr)
    call CPL_setup_md(CART_COMM, (/1.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0/), &
                       (/0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0/))

    call CPL_get_arrays(recv_array, 1, send_array, 4)

    do time=1,5
        send_array(1,:,:,:) = 5.*time
        call CPL_send(send_array)
        call CPL_recv(recv_array)
        print*, "MD", time, recv_array(1,1,1,1)

   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(MD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_MD

These are then both run together, either MPMD or port connect modes

  • precision [double]

  • recv_size [integer]

  • precision

  • send_size [integer]

Call to

cpl_get_olap_limits(), cpl_my_proc_portion(), cpl_get_no_cells()

Full Listing

The complete list of module functions is included here.

Coupler Module

Contains all the setup subroutines and variables for a coupled run


The COUPLER MODULE A single coupler module for both codes - this contains the same information on both md and cfd side and all variables. A fundamental design philosophy of CPL library is to ensure both codes have access to all topology and processor information (without needed to call costly global routines). This module contains all the variables, which define the mappings between processors, a hierachy of MPI communicators and all the subroutines to set them up. These variables include:

  • MPI communicators

  • Simulation realms

  • MPI processor IDs

  • Processor topologies

  • Processor cartesian coords

  • Global cell grid parameters

  • Processor cell ranges

  • Domain and cell dimensions

  • Positions of CFD grid lines

  • CFD to MD processor mapping

  • Simulation parameters

  • Error handling

The data in this module is protected so only setup routines in this module can change it


                     C P L  -  L I B R A R Y

       Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Edward Smith


  • Edward Smith Novemeber 2011 to present

  • Eduardo Ramos Fernandez 2015 to 2018

  • David Trevelyan September 2012 to December 2015

  • Lucian Anton, November 2011

Setup routines which have access to coupler parameters

  • CPL_create_comm (cfd+md) splits MPI_COMM_WORLD, create inter -

    communicator between CFD and MD

  • CPL_create_map (cfd+md) creates correspondence maps between

    the CFD grid and MD domains

  • CPL_cfd_adjust_domain (cfd) adjust CFD tomain to an integer number

    FCC or similar MD initial layout

Also see coupler which contains all routines to exchange information


This file is part of CPL-Library.

CPL-Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

CPL-Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CPL-Library. If not, see <>.

Quick access


average_period, boundary_algo, cfd_icoord2olap_md_icoords, cfd_jcoord2olap_md_jcoords, cfd_kcoord2olap_md_kcoords, cfd_realm, cfdid_olap, comm_style, comm_style_gath_scat, comm_style_send_recv, constraint_algo, constraint_cv, constraint_cvflag, constraint_flekkoy, constraint_ncer, constraint_off, constraint_ot, coord2rank_cfd, coord2rank_md, coupler_abort_on_request, coupler_abort_send_cfd, coupler_error_cart_comm, coupler_error_continuum_force, coupler_error_init, coupler_error_input_file, coupler_error_one_realm, coupler_error_read_input, coupler_error_realm, coupler_error_setup_incomplete, cpl_cart_comm, cpl_cfd_bc_slice, cpl_cfd_bc_x, cpl_cfd_bc_y, cpl_cfd_bc_z, cpl_full_overlap, cpl_graph_comm, cpl_initialised, cpl_inter_comm, cpl_md_bc_slice, cpl_olap_comm, cpl_realm_comm, cpl_realm_intersection_comm, cpl_realm_olap_comm, cpl_setup_complete, cpl_world_comm, density_cfd, density_md, dt_cfd, dt_md, dx, dy, dymax, dymin, dz, iblock_realm, icmax, icmax_bnry, icmax_cnst, icmax_olap, icmin, icmin_bnry, icmin_cnst, icmin_olap, icpmax_cfd, icpmax_md, icpmin_cfd, icpmin_md, jblock_realm, jcmax, jcmax_bnry, jcmax_cnst, jcmax_olap, jcmin, jcmin_bnry, jcmin_cnst, jcmin_olap, jcpmax_cfd, jcpmax_md, jcpmin_cfd, jcpmin_md, kblock_realm, kcmax, kcmax_bnry, kcmax_cnst, kcmax_olap, kcmin, kcmin_bnry, kcmin_cnst, kcmin_olap, kcpmax_cfd, kcpmax_md, kcpmin_cfd, kcpmin_md, maxgridsize, md_cfd_match_cellsize, md_realm, myid_cart, myid_graph, myid_olap, myid_realm, myid_world, ncx, ncx_olap, ncy, ncy_olap, ncz, ncz_olap, normal, nproc_cfd, nproc_md, nproc_olap, nproc_world, npx_cfd, npx_md, npy_cfd, npy_md, npz_cfd, npz_md, nsteps_cfd, nsteps_coupled, nsteps_md, olap_mask, output_mode, quiet, rank2coord_cfd, rank2coord_md, rank_cart, rank_cfdcart2rank_world, rank_cfdrealm2rank_world, rank_graph, rank_graph2rank_world, rank_inter2rank_world, rank_intersect, rank_mdcart2rank_world, rank_mdrealm2rank_world, rank_olap, rank_olap2rank_realm, rank_olap2rank_world, rank_realm, rank_world, rank_world2rank_cfdcart, rank_world2rank_cfdrealm, rank_world2rank_graph, rank_world2rank_inter, rank_world2rank_mdcart, rank_world2rank_mdrealm, rank_world2rank_olap, realm, realm_name, rootid_cart, rootid_realm, rootid_world, save_period, sendtype_cfd_to_md, sendtype_md_to_cfd, staggered_averages, testval, timestep_ratio, void_bn, x_orig_cfd, x_orig_md, xg, xl_cfd, xl_md, xl_olap, xll, y_orig_cfd, y_orig_md, yg, yl_cfd, yl_md, yl_olap, yll, z_orig_cfd, z_orig_md, zg, zl_cfd, zl_md, zl_olap, zll


coupler_cfd_init(), coupler_md_init(), cpl_create_map(), cpl_finalize(), cpl_init(), cpl_new_fileunit(), cpl_rank_map(), cpl_set_timing(), cpl_setup_cfd(), cpl_setup_md(), cpl_write_header(), error_abort_s(), error_abort_si(), get_new_fileunit(), locate(), messenger_lasterrorcheck(), printf(), read_coupler_input(), set_output_mode(), write_matrix(), write_matrix_int()


  • coupler_module/average_period [integer,protected/optional/default=1]

    average period for averages ( it must come from CFD !!!)

  • coupler_module/boundary_algo [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/cfd_icoord2olap_md_icoords (*,*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/cfd_jcoord2olap_md_jcoords (*,*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/cfd_kcoord2olap_md_kcoords (*,*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/cfd_realm [integer,parameter=1]

    CFD realm identifier

  • coupler_module/cfdid_olap [integer,protected]

    Connected to CFD processor

  • coupler_module/comm_style [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/comm_style_gath_scat [integer,parameter=1]
  • coupler_module/comm_style_send_recv [integer,parameter=0]
  • coupler_module/constraint_algo [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/constraint_cv [integer,parameter=4]
  • coupler_module/constraint_cvflag [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/constraint_flekkoy [integer,parameter=3]
  • coupler_module/constraint_ncer [integer,parameter=2]
  • coupler_module/constraint_off [integer,parameter=0]
  • coupler_module/constraint_ot [integer,parameter=1]
  • coupler_module/coord2rank_cfd (*,*,*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/coord2rank_md (*,*,*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/coupler_abort_on_request [integer,parameter=7]

    used in request_abort

  • coupler_module/coupler_abort_send_cfd [integer,parameter=8]

    error in coupler_cfd_send

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_cart_comm [integer,parameter=9]

    Wrong comm value in CPL_Cart_coords

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_continuum_force [integer,parameter=6]

    the region in which the continuum constrain force is apply spans over two MD domains

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_init [integer,parameter=3]

    initialisation error

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_input_file [integer,parameter=4]

    wrong value in input file

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_one_realm [integer,parameter=2]

    one realm missing

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_read_input [integer,parameter=5]

    error in processing input file or data transfers

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_realm [integer,parameter=1]

    wrong realm value

  • coupler_module/coupler_error_setup_incomplete [integer,parameter=10]

    CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd

  • coupler_module/cpl_cart_comm [integer,protected]

    Comm w/cartesian topology for each realm;

  • coupler_module/cpl_cfd_bc_slice [integer,protected]

    (average MD values, not CFD)

  • coupler_module/cpl_cfd_bc_x [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/cpl_cfd_bc_y [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/cpl_cfd_bc_z [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/cpl_full_overlap [logical,protected]
  • coupler_module/cpl_graph_comm [integer,protected]

    Comm w/ graph topolgy between locally olapg procs;

  • coupler_module/cpl_initialised [logical,optional/default=.false.]
  • coupler_module/cpl_inter_comm [integer,protected]

    CFD/MD INTER communicator between realm comms;

  • coupler_module/cpl_md_bc_slice [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/cpl_olap_comm [integer,protected]

    Local comm between only overlapping MD/CFD procs;

  • coupler_module/cpl_realm_comm [integer,protected]

    INTRA communicators within MD/CFD realms;

  • coupler_module/cpl_realm_intersection_comm [integer,protected]

    Intersecting MD/CFD procs in world;

  • coupler_module/cpl_realm_olap_comm [integer,protected]

    Local CFD/MD in overlapping region;

  • coupler_module/cpl_setup_complete [integer,optional/default=0]
  • coupler_module/cpl_world_comm [integer,protected]

    Both CFD and MD realms;

  • coupler_module/density_cfd [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/density_md [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/dt_cfd [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/dt_md [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/dx [real,protected]

    Cell size in x

  • coupler_module/dy [real,protected]

    Cell size in y

  • coupler_module/dymax [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/dymin [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/dz [real,protected]

    Cell size in z

  • coupler_module/iblock_realm [integer,protected]

    x Processor ID in Cartesian Coordinates

  • coupler_module/icmax [integer,protected]

    Whole simulation upper cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icmax_bnry [integer,protected]

    Region used to get boundary condition upper cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icmax_cnst [integer,protected]

    Constrained dynamics region upper cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icmax_olap [integer,protected]

    Overlap region upper cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icmin [integer,protected]

    Whole simulation lower cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icmin_bnry [integer,protected]

    Region used to get boundary condition lower cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icmin_cnst [integer,protected]

    Constrained dynamics region lower cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icmin_olap [integer,protected]

    Overlap region lower cell extents in x

  • coupler_module/icpmax_cfd (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/icpmax_md (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/icpmin_cfd (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/icpmin_md (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/ierr [integer]
  • coupler_module/jblock_realm [integer,protected]

    y Processor ID in Cartesian Coordinates

  • coupler_module/jcmax [integer,protected]

    Whole simulation upper cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcmax_bnry [integer,protected]

    Region used to get boundary condition upper cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcmax_cnst [integer,protected]

    Constrained dynamics region upper cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcmax_olap [integer,protected]

    Overlap region upper cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcmin [integer,protected]

    Whole simulation lower cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcmin_bnry [integer,protected]

    Region used to get boundary condition lower cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcmin_cnst [integer,protected]

    Constrained dynamics region lower cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcmin_olap [integer,protected]

    Overlap region lower cell extents in y

  • coupler_module/jcpmax_cfd (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/jcpmax_md (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/jcpmin_cfd (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/jcpmin_md (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/kblock_realm [integer,protected]

    z Processor ID in Cartesian Coordinates

  • coupler_module/kcmax [integer,protected]

    Whole simulation upper cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcmax_bnry [integer,protected]

    Region used to get boundary condition upper cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcmax_cnst [integer,protected]

    Constrained dynamics region upper cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcmax_olap [integer,protected]

    Overlap region upper cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcmin [integer,protected]

    Whole simulation lower cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcmin_bnry [integer,protected]

    Region used to get boundary condition lower cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcmin_cnst [integer,protected]

    Constrained dynamics region lower cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcmin_olap [integer,protected]

    Overlap region lower cell extents in z

  • coupler_module/kcpmax_cfd (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/kcpmax_md (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/kcpmin_cfd (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/kcpmin_md (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/maxgridsize [integer,parameter=2097152]

    Maximum size to store global grid

  • coupler_module/md_cfd_match_cellsize [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/md_realm [integer,parameter=2]

    MD realm identifier

  • coupler_module/myid_cart [integer,protected]

    Processor ID from 0 to nproc_cart-1;

  • coupler_module/myid_graph [integer,protected]

    Processor ID from 0 to nproc_graph-1;

  • coupler_module/myid_olap [integer,protected]

    Processor ID from 0 to nproc_olap-1;

  • coupler_module/myid_realm [integer,protected]

    Processor ID from 0 to nproc_realm-1;

  • coupler_module/myid_world [integer,protected]

    Processor ID from 0 to nproc_world-1;

  • coupler_module/ncx [integer,protected]

    Number of x cells in domain

  • coupler_module/ncx_olap [integer,protected]

    Number of cells in x in overlap region

  • coupler_module/ncy [integer,protected]

    Number of y cells in domain

  • coupler_module/ncy_olap [integer,protected]

    Number of cells in y in overlap region

  • coupler_module/ncz [integer,protected]

    Number of z cells in domain

  • coupler_module/ncz_olap [integer,protected]

    Number of cells in z in overlap region

  • coupler_module/normal [integer,parameter=1]
  • coupler_module/nproc_cfd [integer,protected]

    Total number of processor in cfd

  • coupler_module/nproc_md [integer,protected]

    Total number of processor in md

  • coupler_module/nproc_olap [integer,protected]

    Total number of processor in overlap region

  • coupler_module/nproc_world [integer,protected]

    Total number of processor in world

  • coupler_module/npx_cfd [integer,protected]

    Number of processor in x in the cfd

  • coupler_module/npx_md [integer,protected]

    Number of processor in x in the md

  • coupler_module/npy_cfd [integer,protected]

    Number of processor in y in the cfd

  • coupler_module/npy_md [integer,protected]

    Number of processor in y in the md

  • coupler_module/npz_cfd [integer,protected]

    Number of processor in z in the cfd

  • coupler_module/npz_md [integer,protected]

    Number of processor in z in the md

  • coupler_module/nsteps_cfd [integer,protected]

    CFD input steps

  • coupler_module/nsteps_coupled [integer,protected]

    Total number of steps for coupled simulation

  • coupler_module/nsteps_md [integer,protected]

    MD input steps

  • coupler_module/olap_mask (*) [logical,allocatable/protected]

    Overlap mask specifying which processors overlap using world ranks

  • coupler_module/output_mode [integer,optional/default=1]
  • coupler_module/quiet [integer,parameter=0]
  • coupler_module/rank2coord_cfd (*,*) [integer,allocatable/protected]

    Array containing coordinates for each cartesian rank

  • coupler_module/rank2coord_md (*,*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_cart [integer,protected]

    Processor rank from 1 to nproc_cart;

  • coupler_module/rank_cfdcart2rank_world (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_cfdrealm2rank_world (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_graph [integer,protected]

    Processor rank from 1 to nproc_graph;

  • coupler_module/rank_graph2rank_world (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_inter2rank_world (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_intersect [integer,protected]

    Processor rank in intersection of overlaping proces;

  • coupler_module/rank_mdcart2rank_world (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_mdrealm2rank_world (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_olap [integer,protected]

    Processor rank from 1 to nproc_olap;

  • coupler_module/rank_olap2rank_realm (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_olap2rank_world (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_realm [integer,protected]

    Processor rank from 1 to nproc_realm;

  • coupler_module/rank_world [integer,protected]

    Processor rank from 1 to nproc_world;

  • coupler_module/rank_world2rank_cfdcart (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_world2rank_cfdrealm (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_world2rank_graph (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_world2rank_inter (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_world2rank_mdcart (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_world2rank_mdrealm (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/rank_world2rank_olap (*) [integer,allocatable/protected]
  • coupler_module/realm [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/realm_name (2) [character,parameter=(/"cfd","md "/)]
  • coupler_module/rootid_cart [integer,protected]

    Root processor in each cart topology;

  • coupler_module/rootid_realm [integer,protected]

    Root processor in each realm;

  • coupler_module/rootid_world [integer,protected]

    Root processor in world;

  • coupler_module/save_period [integer,protected/optional/default=10]

    save period (corresponts to tplot in CFD)

  • coupler_module/sendtype_cfd_to_md [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/sendtype_md_to_cfd [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/staggered_averages (3) [logical,protected/optional/default=(/.false.,.false.,.false./)]
  • coupler_module/testval [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/timestep_ratio [integer,protected]
  • coupler_module/void_bn [integer,parameter=-666]
  • coupler_module/x_orig_cfd [real,protected]

    x origin of the cfd domain

  • coupler_module/x_orig_md [real,protected]

    x origin of the md domain

  • coupler_module/xg (*,*,*) [real,target/allocatable/protected]

    3D grid points in x

  • coupler_module/xl_cfd [real,protected]

    x domain size of the cfd domain

  • coupler_module/xl_md [real,protected]

    x domain size of the md domain

  • coupler_module/xl_olap [real,protected]

    x overlap region size

  • coupler_module/xll [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/y_orig_cfd [real,protected]

    y origin of the cfd domain

  • coupler_module/y_orig_md [real,protected]

    y origin of the md domain

  • coupler_module/yg (*,*,*) [real,target/allocatable/protected]

    3D grid points in y

  • coupler_module/yl_cfd [real,protected]

    y domain size of the cfd domain

  • coupler_module/yl_md [real,protected]

    y domain size of the md domain

  • coupler_module/yl_olap [real,protected]

    y overlap region size

  • coupler_module/yll [real,protected]
  • coupler_module/z_orig_cfd [real,protected]

    z origin of the cfd domain

  • coupler_module/z_orig_md [real,protected]

    z origin of the md domain

  • coupler_module/zg (*,*,*) [real,target/allocatable/protected]

    3D grid points in z

  • coupler_module/zl_cfd [real,protected]

    z domain size of the cfd domain

  • coupler_module/zl_md [real,protected]

    z domain size of the md domain

  • coupler_module/zl_olap [real,protected]

    z overlap region size

  • coupler_module/zll [real,protected]

Subroutines and functions

subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_init(callingrealm, returned_realm_comm, ierror)

(cfd+md) Splits MPI_COMM_WORLD in both the CFD and MD code respectively and create intercommunicator between CFD and MD


Assumes MPI has been initialised MPI_init and communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD exists and contains all processors in both CFD and MD regions


CPL_init(callingrealm, RETURNED_REALM_COMM, ierror)


  • callingrealm

    • Should identify calling processor as either CFD_REALM (integer with value 1) or MD_REALM (integer with value 2).



    • Communicator based on callingrealm value local to CFD or MD processor and resulting from the split of MPI_COMM_WORLD

  • ierror

    • Error flag


program main_CFD
   use cpl, only : CPL_init, CPL_finalize
   use mpi
   implicit none

   integer :: rank, nprocs, ierr
   integer :: CFD_COMM
   integer, parameter :: CFD_realm=1

   !Initialise MPI
   call MPI_Init(ierr)

   !Create MD Comm by spliting world
   call CPL_init(CFD_realm, CFD_COMM, ierr)

   !get local processor rank and print
   call MPI_comm_size(CFD_COMM, nprocs, ierr)
   call MPI_comm_rank(CFD_COMM, rank, ierr)

   print*, "CFD code processor ", rank+1, " of ", nprocs

   !No need for seperate CPL finalise as MPI finalise takes care of this
   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(CFD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_CFD
program main_MD
   use cpl, only : CPL_init, CPL_finalize
   use mpi
   implicit none

   integer :: rank, nprocs, ierr
   integer :: MD_COMM
   integer, parameter :: MD_realm=2

   !Initialise MPI
   call MPI_Init(ierr)

   !Create MD Comm by spliting world
   call CPL_init(MD_realm, MD_COMM, ierr)

   call MPI_comm_size(MD_COMM, nprocs, ierr)
   call MPI_comm_rank(MD_COMM, rank, ierr)

   print*, "MD code processor ", rank+1, " of ", nprocs

   !No need for seperate CPL finalise as MPI finalise takes care of this
   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(MD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_MD


COUPLER_ERROR_REALM = 1 ! wrong realm value COUPLER_ERROR_ONE_REALM = 2 ! one realm missing COUPLER_ERROR_INIT = 3 ! initialisation error

  • callingrealm [integer,in] :: CFD_REALM=1 or MD_REALM=2

  • returned_realm_comm [integer,out]

  • ierror [integer,out]



subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_finalize(ierr)

Free all coupling COMMS, deallocate all arrays and set CPL_initialised flag to zero


ierr [integer,out] :: Error flag


mpi (mpi_comm_null(), mpi_barrier(), mpi_comm_world())

subroutine  coupler_module/read_coupler_input()

Read with keyword inputs, which looks for a word and then reads an expected set of arguments on next lines e.g. if you had the keyword KEYWORD followed by 2 integer argumets this would be in the form


This routine is called behind the scenes and attempts to read the file located under cpl/

Called from

coupler_cfd_init(), coupler_md_init()

Call to

locate(), cpl_write_header()

subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_write_header(header_filename)

Writes header information to specified filename in the format Variable description ; variable name ; variable


  • CPL_write_header (header_filename)

  • header_filename

  • File name to write header to


  • NONE


  • NONE


header_filename [character,in]

Called from


subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_setup_cfd(icomm_grid, xyzl, xyz_orig, ncxyz)

Initialisation routine for coupler module - Every variable is sent and stored to ensure both md and cfd region have an identical list of parameters


Assumes CPL has been initialised CPL_init and communicator MD_REALM exists Synopsis

CPL_setup_cfd(icomm_grid, xyzL, xyz_orig, ncxyz)


  • icomm_grid

    • Communicator based on CFD processor topology returned from a call to MPI_CART_CREATE.

  • xyzL

    • CFD domain size.

  • xyz_orig

    • CFD origin.

  • ncxyz

    • Number of CFD cells in global domain.

  • icomm_grid [integer,in]

  • xyzl (3) [real,in]

  • xyz_orig (3) [real,in]

  • ncxyz (3) [integer,in]



Call to


subroutine  coupler_module/coupler_cfd_init(icomm_grid, icoord, npxyz_cfd, xyzl, xyz_orig, ncxyz, ijkcmax, ijkcmin, itmin, itmax, jtmin, jtmax, ktmin, ktmax, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid)

Initialisation routine for coupler module to be called from CFD side This is the full interface which is called behind the scenes by CPL_setup_CFD so every variable is sent and stored to ensure both md and cfd region have an identical list of parameters


coupler_cfd_init(icomm_grid,icoord,npxyz_cfd,xyzL,ncxyz, ijkcmax,ijkcmin,iTmin,iTmax,jTmin,jTmax,kTmin,kTmax,xgrid,ygrid,zgrid)


  • icomm_grid

  • The MPI communicator setup by the MPI_CART_CREATE command in the CFD region (integer)

  • icoord

  • The three coordinate for each rank in the domain (integer array nproc by 3)

  • npxyz_cfd

  • Number of processors in each cartesian dimension (integer array 3)

  • xyzL

  • Size of domain in each cartesian dimension (dp real array 3)

  • ncxyz

  • Global number of cells in each cartesian dimension (integer array 3)

  • ijkcmax

  • Global maximum cell in each cartesian dimension (integer array 3)

  • ijkcmin

  • Global minimum cell in each cartesian dimension (integer array 3)

  • iTmin

  • Local minimum cell for each rank (integer array no. procs in x)

  • iTmax

  • Local maximum cell for each rank (integer array no. procs in x)

  • jTmin

  • Local minimum cell for each rank (integer array no. procs in y)

  • jTmax

  • Local maximum cell for each rank (integer array no. procs in y)

  • kTmin

  • Local minimum cell for each rank (integer array no. procs in z)

  • kTmax

  • Local maximum cell for each rank (integer array no. procs in z)

  • xgrid

  • Array of cell vertices in the x direction (no. cells in x + 1 by no. cells in y + 1, no. cells in z+1)

  • ygrid

  • Array of cell vertices in the y direction (no. cells in x + 1 by no. cells in y + 1, no. cells in z+1)

  • zgrid

  • Array of cell vertices in the z direction (no. cells in x + 1 by no. cells in y + 1, no. cells in z+1)


  • NONE


  • NONE

  • icomm_grid [integer,in]

  • icoord (,) [integer,in]

  • npxyz_cfd (3) [integer,in]

  • xyzl (3) [real,in]

  • xyz_orig (3) [real,in]

  • ncxyz (3) [integer,in]

  • ijkcmax (3) [integer,in]

  • ijkcmin (3) [integer,in]

  • itmin (*) [integer,in]

  • itmax (*) [integer,in]

  • jtmin (*) [integer,in]

  • jtmax (*) [integer,in]

  • ktmin (*) [integer,in]

  • ktmax (*) [integer,in]

  • xgrid (,,*) [real,in]

  • ygrid (,,*) [real,in]

  • zgrid (,,*) [real,in]



Called from


Call to

read_coupler_input(), cpl_rank_map(), cpl_create_map()

subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_setup_md(icomm_grid, xyzl, xyz_orig)

Initialisation routine for coupler module - Every variable is sent and stored to ensure both md and cfd region have an identical list of parameters


Assumes CPL has been initialised CPL_init and communicator MD_REALM exists


cpl_setup_md(icomm_grid, xyzL, xyz_orig)


  • icomm_grid

    • Communicator based on MD processor topology returned from a call to MPI_CART_CREATE.

  • xyzL

    • MD domain size.

  • xyz_orig

    • MD origin.

  • icomm_grid [integer,in]

  • xyzl (3) [real,in]

  • xyz_orig (3) [real,in]



Call to


subroutine  coupler_module/coupler_md_init(icomm_grid, icoord, npxyz_md, globaldomain, xyz_orig)

Initialisation routine for coupler module to be called from MD side This is the full interface which is called behind the scenes by CPL_setup_MD so every variable is sent and stored to ensure both md and cfd region have an identical list of parameters


coupler_md_init(icomm_grid, icoord, npxyz_md, globaldomain)


  • icomm_grid

  • The MPI communicator setup by the MPI_CART_CREATE command in the CFD region (integer)

  • icoord

  • The three coordinate for each rank in the domain (integer array nproc by 3)

  • npxyz_md

  • Number of processors in each cartesian dimension (integer array 3)

  • globaldomain

  • Size of domain in each cartesian dimension (dp real array 3)

  • density

  • Density of the CFD simulation (dp_real)


  • NONE


  • NONE

  • icomm_grid [integer,in]

  • icoord (,) [integer,in]

  • npxyz_md (3) [integer,in]

  • globaldomain (3) [real,in]

  • xyz_orig (3) [real,in]



Called from


Call to

read_coupler_input(), cpl_rank_map(), cpl_create_map()

subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_set_timing(initialstep, nsteps, dt)
  • nsteps [integer,in] ::

    • Number of steps in MD simulation.

  • initialstep [integer,in] ::

    • Initial steps in MD simulation.

  • dt [real,in] ::

    • Timestep in MD simulation.



subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_create_map()

Establish for all MD processors the mapping (if any) to coupled CFD processors

Steps include:

  • check_config_feasibility()

  • get_md_cell_ranges()

  • get_overlap_blocks()

  • set_overlap_topology()



Called from

coupler_cfd_init(), coupler_md_init()

subroutine  coupler_module/cpl_rank_map(comm, rank_bn, nproc, comm2world, world2comm, ierr)

Get COMM map for current communicator and relationship to world rank used to link to others in the coupler hierachy


CPL_rank_map(COMM, rank, comm2world, world2comm, ierr)


  • comm

    • communicator with cartesian structure (handle)


  • rank

    • rank of a process within group of comm (integer) NOTE - fortran convention rank=1 to nproc

  • nproc

    • number of processes within group of comm (integer) comm2world Array of size nproc_world which for element at world_rank has local rank in COMM

  • world2comm

    • Array of size nproc_COMM which for element at for local ranks in COMM has world rank

  • ierr

    • error flag

  • comm [integer,in]

  • rank_bn [integer,out]

  • nproc [integer,out]

  • comm2world (*) [integer,out,allocatable]

  • world2comm (*) [integer,out,allocatable]

  • ierr [integer,out]



Called from

coupler_cfd_init(), coupler_md_init()

subroutine  coupler_module/locate(fileid, keyword, have_data)

Locate keyword argument in input

  • fileid [integer,in] :: File unit number

  • keyword [character,in] :: Input keyword

  • have_data [logical,out] :: Flag: input found

Called from


subroutine  coupler_module/error_abort_s([msg])

Error handling subroutines calling MPI ABORT


msg [character,in,]


mpi, iso_fortran_env (error_unit())

subroutine  coupler_module/error_abort_si(msg, i)

Error handling subroutines calling MPI ABORT

  • msg [character,in]

  • i [integer,in]


mpi, iso_fortran_env (error_unit())

subroutine  coupler_module/messenger_lasterrorcheck()

Use MPI last Error system


mpi, iso_fortran_env (error_unit())

subroutine  coupler_module/printf(buf[, dplaces_in])
  • buf (*) [real,in]

  • dplaces_in [integer,in,]

subroutine  coupler_module/write_matrix_int(a, varname, fh)
  • a (,) [integer]

  • varname [character]

  • fh [integer]

subroutine  coupler_module/write_matrix(a, varname, fh)
  • a (,) [real]

  • varname [character]

  • fh [integer]

function  coupler_module/cpl_new_fileunit()

f [integer]

subroutine  coupler_module/set_output_mode(mode)

mode [integer,in]

function  coupler_module/get_new_fileunit()

f [integer]

Coupler Methods Module

All the subroutines and functions which would be called during a run, such as CPL_Send and CPL_recv


Routines accessible from application ( molecular or continuum ) after the name, in parenthesis, is the realm in which each routine must be called

  • CPL_send (cfd+md) sends grid data exchanged between realms ( generic interface)

  • CPL_recv (cfd+md) receives data exchanged between realms ( generic interface)

  • CPL_cfd_get (cfd) returns coupler internal parameters for CFD realm

  • CPL_get (md) returns coupler internal parameters

  • CPL_md_get_save_period (md) auxiliary used for testing [depricated]

  • CPL_md_get_average_period (md) returns average period of BC [depricated]

  • CPL_md_get_md_per_cfd_dt (md) returns the number of step MD does for each CFD step [depricated]

Also see coupler module which contains all routines to setup the simulation and all the variables defining the setup topology.


                     C P L  -  L I B R A R Y

       Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Edward Smith


  • Edward Smith Novemeber 2011 to present

  • Eduardo Ramos Fernandez 2015 to 2018

  • David Trevelyan September 2012 to December 2015

  • Lucian Anton, November 2011


This file is part of CPL-Library.

CPL-Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

CPL-Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CPL-Library. If not, see <>.

Quick access


coupler_md_get_average_period(), coupler_md_get_md_steps_per_cfd_dt(), coupler_md_get_save_period(), cpl_cart_coords(), cpl_cfd2md(), cpl_cfd_dt(), cpl_comm_style(), cpl_gather(), cpl_get(), cpl_get_arrays(), cpl_get_bnry_limits(), cpl_get_cnst_limits(), cpl_get_no_cells(), cpl_get_olap_limits(), cpl_get_rank(), cpl_is_proc_inside(), cpl_map_cell2coord(), cpl_map_cfd2md_coord(), cpl_map_coord2cell(), cpl_map_glob2loc_cell(), cpl_map_md2cfd_coord(), cpl_md2cfd(), cpl_meshgrid(), cpl_my_proc_extents(), cpl_my_proc_portion(), cpl_olap_extents(), cpl_overlap(), cpl_proc_extents(), cpl_proc_portion(), cpl_realm(), cpl_recv_full(), cpl_recv_min(), cpl_scatter(), cpl_send_full(), cpl_send_min(), cpl_swaphalos(), establish_halo_cells(), establish_surface_cells(), heaviside(), is_cell_inside(), is_coord_inside(), mpi_errorcheck(), test_python(), updatefaces()


Subroutines and functions

subroutine  coupler/cpl_gather(gatherarray, npercell, limits, recvarray)

Perform gather operation on CPL_OLAP_COMM communicator. The CFD processor is the root process. The gathered data is effectively “slotted” into the correct part of the recvarray, and is intented for use in providing the CFD simulation boundary conditions with data obtained from the MD simulation.


  • CPL_gather(gatherarray,npercell,limits,recvarray)


  • gatherarray - Assumed shape array of data to be gathered from each MD processor

    in the overlap communicator. Must be size 0 on CFD processor.

  • limits - Integer array of length 6, specifying the global cell extents of the

    region to be gathered, is the same on ALL processors.

  • npercell - number of data points per cell to be gathered (integer)

    Note: should be the same as size(gatherarray(1)) for MD processor. E.G. npercell = 3 for gathering 3D velocities.


  • recvarray - The array in which the gathered values are to be stored on the CFD

    processor. The only values to be changed in recvarray are:


recvarray (,,*,*) [real,inout] :: limits(1):limits(2),limits(3):limits(4),limits(5):limits(6))

  • NONE

  • gatherarray (,,*,*) [real,in]

  • npercell [integer,in]

  • limits (6) [integer,in]


mpi, coupler_module

Call to


subroutine  coupler/cpl_scatter(scatterarray, npercell, limits, recvarray)

Scatter cell-wise data from CFD processor to corresponding MD processors on the overlap communicator CPL_OLAP_COMM.


  • CPL_scatter(scatterarray,npercell,limits,recvarray)


  • scatterarray

  • assumed shape array of data to be scattered (real(kind(0.d0)))

  • limits

  • integer array of length 6, specifying the global cell extents of the region to be scattered, is the same on all processors.

  • npercell

  • number of data points per cell to be scattered (integer). Note: should be the same as size(scatterarray(1)) for CFD proc

  • recvarray

  • the array in which the scattered values are stored on the MD processors.

  • NONE

  • scatterarray (,,*,*) [real,in]

  • npercell [integer,in]

  • limits (6) [integer,in]

  • recvarray (,,*,*) [real,inout]


coupler_module, mpi

Call to

cpl_overlap(), cpl_cart_coords(), cpl_proc_portion()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_send_full(asend, limits, send_flag)

Send four dimensional array asend of data from all processors in the current realm with data between global cell array limits to the corresponding processors from the other realm.


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.


CPL_send(asend, limits, send_flag)


  • asend

    • Array of data to send. Should be a four dimensional array allocated using the number of cells on the current processor between the limits. Size should be be obtained from CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion).

  • limits

    • Limits in global cell coordinates, must be the same as corresponding recieve


  • send_flag

    • Returned flag which indicates success or failure of send process


 call CPL_get_olap_limits(limits)
 call CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion)
 call CPL_get_no_cells(portion, Ncells)

 !Coupled Send array
 allocate(A(3, Ncells(1), Ncells(2), Ncells(3)))

 do i =portion(1),portion(2)
 do j =portion(3),portion(4)
 do k =portion(5),portion(6)
    ii = i-portion(1)+1; jj = j-portion(3)+1; kk = k-portion(5)+1
    A(1,ii,jj,kk) = dble(i)
    A(2,ii,jj,kk) = dble(j)
    A(3,ii,jj,kk) = dble(k)
 call CPL_send(A, limits, send_flag)

.. sectionauthor::Edward Smith
  • asend (,,*,*) [real,in] :: Array containing data to send

  • limits (6) [integer,in] :: Global cell indices with minimum and maximum values to send

  • send_flag [logical,out] :: Flag set if processor has passed data


mpi, coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), error_abort(), cpl_graph_comm(), myid_graph(), olap_mask(), rank_world(), realm(), ierr(), void(), cpl_setup_complete(), realm_name(), myid_realm(), rootid_realm(), rank_intersect(), cpl_realm_intersection_comm())

Called from


Call to

cpl_my_proc_portion(), cpl_cart_coords(), cpl_proc_portion(), cpl_get_no_cells()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_send_min(asend[, send_flag])
  • asend (,,*,*) [real,in] :: Array containing data to send

  • send_flag [logical,out,] :: Flag set if processor has passed data


coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), realm())

Call to

cpl_get_cnst_limits(), cpl_get_bnry_limits(), cpl_send_full()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_recv_full(arecv, limits, recv_flag)

Receive data from to local grid from the associated ranks from the other realm


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.


CPL_recv(arecv, limits, recv_flag)


  • arecv

    • Array of data to recv. Should be a four dimensional array allocated using the number of cells on the current processor between the limits. Size should be be obtained from CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion).

  • limits

    • Limits in global cell coordinates, must be the same as corresponding send


  • recv_flag

    • Returned flag which indicates success or failure of recv process


call CPL_get_olap_limits(limits)
call CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion)
call CPL_get_no_cells(portion, Ncells)

!Coupled Recieve
allocate(A(3, Ncells(1), Ncells(2), Ncells(3)))
call CPL_recv(A, limits, recv_flag)
  • arecv (,,*,*) [real,inout] :: Pre allocated array that recieves data

  • limits (6) [integer,in] :: Global cell indices with minimum and maximum values to recv

  • recv_flag [logical,out] :: Flag set if processor has received data


mpi, coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), rank_graph(), error_abort(), cpl_graph_comm(), myid_graph(), olap_mask(), rank_world(), realm(), realm_name(), iblock_realm(), jblock_realm(), kblock_realm(), void(), ierr(), rank_intersect(), cpl_realm_intersection_comm())

Called from


Call to

cpl_cart_coords(), cpl_proc_portion(), cpl_my_proc_portion()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_recv_min(arecv[, recv_flag])
  • arecv (,,*,*) [real,out]

  • recv_flag [logical,out,] :: Flag set if processor has passed data


coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), realm())

Call to

cpl_get_bnry_limits(), cpl_get_cnst_limits(), cpl_recv_full()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_swaphalos(a)

Swap halos with adjacent processors on current realm cart comm


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.




  • A

    • Array of data to swaphalo. Should be a four dimensional array allocated using the number of cells including one halos on the current processor. Size should be be obtained from CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion) with an extra halo on each side. This halo should have been used to collect overflow on current processor.


  • A

    • Array of data with outer halo obtained from adjacent processes.


call CPL_get(icmax_olap=icmax_olap)
call CPL_get_olap_limits(limits)
call CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion)
call CPL_get_no_cells(portion, Ncells)

Setup an increasing number in each cell in 2D
allocate(A(1, Ncells(1)+2, Ncells(2)+2, Ncells(3)+2))
A = 0.0d0
do i=2,Ncells(1)+1
do j=2,Ncells(2)+1
do k=2,Ncells(3)+1
    ii = i + portion(1)
    jj = j + portion(3)
    A(1,i,j,k) = ii + jj*icmax_olap
call CPL_swaphalo(A)

a (,,*,*) [real,inout] :: 4D Array of data with empty outer halo.


coupler_module (cpl_cart_comm())

Call to

establish_halo_cells(), heaviside(), updatefaces()

subroutine  coupler/updatefaces(a, n1, n2, n3, nresults, ixyz, icomm_grid)

updatefaces – Facilitate the MPI based exchange of data Update face halo cells by passing to neighbours

  • a (,,*,*) [real,inout]

  • n1 [integer,in]

  • n2 [integer,in]

  • n3 [integer,in]

  • nresults [integer,in]

  • ixyz [integer]

  • icomm_grid [integer,in]



Called from


subroutine  coupler/establish_surface_cells(ncells, nhb, surfacecells)

Establish and store indices of cells which are on the outer domain but not in the halo

  • ncells (3) [integer,in] :: Number of cells in x,y and z

  • nhb (3) [integer,in] :: Number of halos in x,y and z

  • surfacecells (,) [integer,out,allocatable] :: N by 3 array of Surface cells

subroutine  coupler/establish_halo_cells(ncells, halocells)

Establish and store indices of cells which are in the halo

  • ncells (3) [integer,in] :: Number of cells in x,y and z

  • halocells (,) [integer,out,allocatable] :: N by 3 array of halo cells

Called from


function  coupler/heaviside(x)

x [integer,in]


heaviside [real]

Called from


subroutine  coupler/cpl_proc_extents(coord, realm, extents[, ncells])

Gets maximum and minimum cells for processor coordinates


  • CPL_proc_extents(coord,realm,extents,ncells)


  • coord

  • processor cartesian coordinate (3 x integer)

  • realm

  • cfd_realm (1) or md_realm (2) (integer)

  • NONE


  • extents - Six components array which defines processor extents

    xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax (6 x integer)

  • ncells [integer,out,] ::

    • number of cells on processor (integer)

  • coord (3) [integer,in]

  • realm [integer,in]

  • extents (6) [integer,out]


mpi, coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), icpmin_md(), icpmax_md(), jcpmin_md(), jcpmax_md(), kcpmin_md(), kcpmax_md(), icpmin_cfd(), icpmax_cfd(), jcpmin_cfd(), jcpmax_cfd(), kcpmin_cfd(), kcpmax_cfd(), error_abort())

Called from

cpl_proc_portion(), cpl_my_proc_extents()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_olap_extents(coord, realm, extents[, ncells])

Get maximum and minimum cells for current communicator within the overlapping region only


  • CPL_olap_extents(coord,realm,extents,ncells)


  • coord

  • processor cartesian coordinate (3 x integer)

  • realm

  • cfd_realm (1) or md_realm (2) (integer)

  • NONE


  • extents

  • Six components array which defines processor extents within the overlap region only: xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax (6 x integer)

  • ncells [integer,out,] ::

    • number of cells on processor (integer)

  • coord (3) [integer,in]

  • realm [integer,in]

  • extents (6) [integer,out]


mpi, coupler_module (md_realm(), cfd_realm(), icpmin_md(), icpmax_md(), jcpmin_md(), jcpmax_md(), kcpmin_md(), kcpmax_md(), icpmin_cfd(), icpmax_cfd(), jcpmin_cfd(), jcpmax_cfd(), kcpmin_cfd(), kcpmax_cfd(), icmin_olap(), icmax_olap(), jcmin_olap(), jcmax_olap(), kcmin_olap(), kcmax_olap(), error_abort())

subroutine  coupler/cpl_proc_portion(coord, realm, limits, portion[, ncells])

Get maximum and minimum cell indices, i.e. the ‘portion’, of the input cell extents ‘limits’ that is contributed by the processor specified by processor coord.


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.

  • Note: limits(6) and portion(6) are of the form: (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)


CPL_proc_portion(coord, realm, limits, portion, ncells)


  • coord

    • processor cartesian coordinate (3 x integer)

  • realm

    • cfd_realm (1) or md_realm (2) (integer)

  • limits

    • Array of cell extents that specify the input region.


  • portion - Array of cell extents that define the local processor’s

    contribution to the input region ‘limits’.

  • ncells [integer,out,] ::

    • number of cells in portion (integer)

  • coord (3) [integer,in]

  • realm [integer,in]

  • limits (6) [integer,in]

  • portion (6) [integer,out]


mpi, coupler_module (void())

Called from

cpl_scatter(), cpl_send_full(), cpl_recv_full(), cpl_my_proc_portion()

Call to


subroutine  coupler/cpl_my_proc_portion(limits, portion)

Get maximum and minimum cell indices, i.e. the ‘portion’, of the input cell extents ‘limits’ that is contributed by calling processor.


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.

  • Note: limits(6) and portion(6) are of the form: (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)


CPL_my_proc_portion(limits, portion)


  • limits

    • Array of cell extents that specify the input region.


  • portion - Array of cell extents that define the local processor’s

    part of the input region ‘limits’.

  • limits (6) [integer,in]

  • portion (6) [integer,out]


coupler_module (rank_cart(), realm(), md_realm(), cfd_realm(), rank2coord_cfd(), rank2coord_md())

Called from

cpl_send_full(), cpl_recv_full(), cpl_get_arrays(), rwrite_arrays()

Call to


subroutine  coupler/cpl_my_proc_extents(extents)

extents (6) [integer,out]


coupler_module (rank_cart(), realm(), md_realm(), cfd_realm(), rank2coord_cfd(), rank2coord_md())

Call to


subroutine  coupler/cpl_cart_coords(comm, rank_bn, realm, maxdims, coords, ierr)

Determines process coords in appropriate realm’s cartesian topology given a rank in any communicator


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.


CPL_Cart_coords(COMM, rank, realm, maxdims, coords, ierr)


  • COMM

    • communicator with cartesian structure (handle)

  • rank

    • rank of a process within group of comm (integer) NOTE fortran convention rank=1 to nproc

  • realm

    • cfd_realm (1) or md_realm (2) (integer)

  • maxdims

    • length of vector coords in the calling program (integer)


  • coords

    • integer array (of size ndims) containing the Cartesian coordinates of specified process (integer)

  • ierr

    • error flag

  • comm [integer,in]

  • rank_bn [integer,in]

  • realm [integer,in]

  • maxdims [integer,in]

  • coords (maxdims) [integer,out]

  • ierr [integer,out]


coupler_module (cpl_world_comm(), cpl_realm_comm(), cpl_inter_comm(), cpl_cart_comm(), cpl_olap_comm(), cpl_graph_comm(), cpl_realm_intersection_comm(), md_realm(), cfd_realm(), rank_world2rank_mdcart(), rank_world2rank_cfdcart(), rank_mdrealm2rank_world(), rank_cfdrealm2rank_world(), rank_olap2rank_world(), rank_graph2rank_world(), rank2coord_cfd(), rank2coord_md(), coupler_error_cart_comm(), void(), nproc_cfd(), nproc_md(), error_abort())

Called from

cpl_scatter(), cpl_send_full(), cpl_recv_full()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_get_rank(comm, rank_bn)

Return rank of current processor in specified COMM


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.


CPL_get_rank(COMM, rank)


  • COMM - communicator with cartesian structure (handle)


  • rank - rank of a process within group of comm (integer)

    NOTE fortran convention rank=1 to nproc

  • comm [integer,in]

  • rank_bn [integer,out]


coupler_module (cpl_world_comm(), cpl_realm_comm(), cpl_inter_comm(), cpl_cart_comm(), cpl_olap_comm(), cpl_graph_comm(), cpl_realm_intersection_comm(), rank_world(), rank_realm(), rank_cart(), rank_olap(), rank_graph(), error_abort())

function  coupler/cpl_overlap()

Check if current processor is in the overlap region


  • CPL_olap_check()

Inputs Parameters

  • NONE

  • Returns

  • CPL_olap_check

  • True if calling processor is in the overlap region and false otherwise


p [logical]


coupler_module (olap_mask(), rank_world())

Called from

cpl_gather(), cpl_scatter()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_get([icmax_olap[, icmin_olap[, jcmax_olap[, jcmin_olap[, kcmax_olap[, kcmin_olap[, density_cfd[, density_md[, dt_cfd[, dt_md[, dx[, dy[, dz[, ncx[, ncy[, ncz[, xg[, yg[, zg[, xl_md[, xl_cfd[, yl_md[, yl_cfd[, zl_md[, zl_cfd[, npx_md[, npy_md[, npz_md[, npx_cfd[, npy_cfd[, npz_cfd[, constraint_algo[, constraint_cvflag[, constraint_ot[, constraint_ncer[, constraint_flekkoy[, constraint_off[, constraint_cv[, icmin_cnst[, icmax_cnst[, jcmin_cnst[, jcmax_cnst[, kcmin_cnst[, kcmax_cnst[, md_cfd_match_cellsize[, staggered_averages[, cpl_cfd_bc_slice[, cpl_md_bc_slice[, nsteps_md[, nsteps_cfd[, nsteps_coupled[, cpl_cfd_bc_x[, cpl_cfd_bc_y[, cpl_cfd_bc_z[, timestep_ratio[, comm_style[, sendtype_cfd_to_md[, sendtype_md_to_cfd]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])

Wrapper to retrieve (read only) parameters from the coupler_module Note - this ensures all variable in the coupler are protected from corruption by either CFD or MD codes


  • CPL_get([see coupler_module])


  • NONE


  • See below

  • icmax_olap [integer,out,]

  • icmin_olap [integer,out,]

  • jcmax_olap [integer,out,]

  • jcmin_olap [integer,out,]

  • kcmax_olap [integer,out,]

  • kcmin_olap [integer,out,]

  • density_cfd [real,out,]

  • density_md [real,out,]

  • dt_cfd [real,out,]

  • dt_md [real,out,]

  • dx [real,out,]

  • dy [real,out,]

  • dz [real,out,]

  • ncx [integer,out,]

  • ncy [integer,out,]

  • ncz [integer,out,]

  • xg (,,*) [real,out,allocatable]

  • yg (,,*) [real,out,allocatable]

  • zg (,,*) [real,out,allocatable]

  • xl_md [real,out,]

  • xl_cfd [real,out,]

  • yl_md [real,out,]

  • yl_cfd [real,out,]

  • zl_md [real,out,]

  • zl_cfd [real,out,]

  • npx_md [integer,out,]

  • npy_md [integer,out,]

  • npz_md [integer,out,]

  • npx_cfd [integer,out,]

  • npy_cfd [integer,out,]

  • npz_cfd [integer,out,]

  • constraint_algo [integer,out,]

  • constraint_cvflag [integer,out,]

  • constraint_ot [integer,out,]

  • constraint_ncer [integer,out,]

  • constraint_flekkoy [integer,out,]

  • constraint_off [integer,out,]

  • constraint_cv [integer,out,]

  • icmin_cnst [integer,out,]

  • icmax_cnst [integer,out,]

  • jcmin_cnst [integer,out,]

  • jcmax_cnst [integer,out,]

  • kcmin_cnst [integer,out,]

  • kcmax_cnst [integer,out,]

  • md_cfd_match_cellsize [integer,out,]

  • staggered_averages (3) [logical,out,]

  • cpl_cfd_bc_slice [integer,out,]

  • cpl_md_bc_slice [integer,out,]

  • nsteps_md [integer,out,]

  • nsteps_cfd [integer,out,]

  • nsteps_coupled [integer,out,]

  • cpl_cfd_bc_x [integer,out,]

  • cpl_cfd_bc_y [integer,out,]

  • cpl_cfd_bc_z [integer,out,]

  • timestep_ratio [integer,out,]

  • comm_style [integer,out,]

  • sendtype_cfd_to_md [integer,out,]

  • sendtype_md_to_cfd [integer,out,]


coupler_module (icmax_olap_() => icmax_olap_(), icmin_olap_() => icmin_olap_(), jcmax_olap_() => jcmax_olap_(), jcmin_olap_() => jcmin_olap_(), kcmax_olap_() => kcmax_olap_(), kcmin_olap_() => kcmin_olap_(), density_cfd_() => density_cfd_(), density_md_() => density_md_(), dt_cfd_() => dt_cfd_(), dt_md_() => dt_md_(), dx_() => dx_(), dy_() => dy_(), dz_() => dz_(), ncx_() => ncx_(), ncy_() => ncy_(), ncz_() => ncz_(), xl_md_() => xl_md_(), yl_md_() => yl_md_(), zl_md_() => zl_md_(), xl_cfd_() => xl_cfd_(), yl_cfd_() => yl_cfd_(), zl_cfd_() => zl_cfd_(), npx_md_() => npx_md_(), npy_md_() => npy_md_(), npz_md_() => npz_md_(), npx_cfd_() => npx_cfd_(), npy_cfd_() => npy_cfd_(), npz_cfd_() => npz_cfd_(), xg_() => xg_(), yg_() => yg_(), zg_() => zg_(), timestep_ratio_() => timestep_ratio_(), md_cfd_match_cellsize_() => md_cfd_match_cellsize_(), staggered_averages_() => staggered_averages_(), constraint_algo_() => constraint_algo_(), constraint_cvflag_() => constraint_cvflag_(), constraint_ot_() => constraint_ot_(), constraint_ncer_() => constraint_ncer_(), constraint_flekkoy_() => constraint_flekkoy_(), constraint_cv_() => constraint_cv_(), constraint_off_() => constraint_off_(), icmin_cnst_() => icmin_cnst_(), icmax_cnst_() => icmax_cnst_(), jcmin_cnst_() => jcmin_cnst_(), jcmax_cnst_() => jcmax_cnst_(), kcmin_cnst_() => kcmin_cnst_(), kcmax_cnst_() => kcmax_cnst_(), cpl_cfd_bc_slice_() => cpl_cfd_bc_slice_(), cpl_md_bc_slice_() => cpl_md_bc_slice_(), nsteps_md_() => nsteps_md_(), nsteps_cfd_() => nsteps_cfd_(), nsteps_coupled_() => nsteps_coupled_(), cpl_cfd_bc_x_() => cpl_cfd_bc_x_(), cpl_cfd_bc_y_() => cpl_cfd_bc_y_(), cpl_cfd_bc_z_() => cpl_cfd_bc_z_(), comm_style_() => comm_style_(), comm_style_send_recv_() => comm_style_send_recv_(), comm_style_gath_scat_() => comm_style_gath_scat_(), sendtype_cfd_to_md_() => sendtype_cfd_to_md_(), sendtype_md_to_cfd_() => sendtype_md_to_cfd_())

Called from


function  coupler/cpl_comm_style()

cpl_comm_style [integer]


coupler_module (comm_style())

function  coupler/cpl_realm()

cpl_realm [integer]


coupler_module (realm())

subroutine  coupler/cpl_meshgrid(xg, yg, zg)
  • xg (,,*) [real,out,allocatable]

  • yg (,,*) [real,out,allocatable]

  • zg (,,*) [real,out,allocatable]

Call to


function  coupler/cpl_map_md2cfd_coord(coord_md, coord_cfd)

Map global MD position to global CFD coordinate frame

  • coord_md (3) [real,in]

  • coord_cfd (3) [real,out]


valid_coord [logical]


coupler_module (xl_md(), xg(), icmin_olap(), icmax_olap(), yl_md(), yg(), jcmin_olap(), jcmax_olap(), zl_md(), zg(), kcmin_olap(), kcmax_olap(), x_orig_md(), y_orig_md(), z_orig_md(), x_orig_cfd(), y_orig_cfd(), z_orig_cfd(), xl_cfd(), yl_cfd(), zl_cfd())

Called from


Call to


function  coupler/cpl_map_cfd2md_coord(coord_cfd, coord_md)

Map global CFD position in global MD coordinate frame

  • coord_cfd (3) [real,in]

  • coord_md (3) [real,out]


valid_coord [logical]


coupler_module (xl_md(), xg(), icmin_olap(), icmax_olap(), yl_md(), yg(), jcmin_olap(), jcmax_olap(), zl_md(), zg(), kcmin_olap(), kcmax_olap(), x_orig_md(), y_orig_md(), z_orig_md(), x_orig_cfd(), y_orig_cfd(), z_orig_cfd(), xl_cfd(), yl_cfd(), zl_cfd())

Called from

cpl_cfd2md(), cpl_map_cell2coord()

Call to


function  coupler/cpl_md2cfd(coord_md)

coord_md (3) [real,in]


coord_cfd (3) [real]


coupler_module (error_abort())

Call to


function  coupler/cpl_cfd2md(coord_cfd)

coord_cfd (3) [real,in]


coord_md (3) [real]


coupler_module (error_abort())

Call to


subroutine  coupler/cpl_map_cell2coord(i, j, k, coord_xyz)
  • i [integer,in]

  • j [integer,in]

  • k [integer,in]

  • coord_xyz (3) [real,out]


coupler_module (xg(), yg(), zg(), realm(), ncx(), ncy(), ncz(), md_realm(), cfd_realm(), maxgridsize(), error_abort())

Called from


Call to

cpl_get_olap_limits(), is_cell_inside(), cpl_map_cfd2md_coord()

function  coupler/cpl_map_coord2cell(x, y, z, cell_ijk)
  • x [real,in]

  • y [real,in]

  • z [real,in]

  • cell_ijk (3) [integer,out]


ret [logical]


coupler_module (dx(), dy(), dz(), icmin_olap(), jcmin_olap(), kcmin_olap(), icmax_olap(), jcmax_olap(), kcmax_olap())

Call to

cpl_map_cell2coord(), cpl_get_olap_limits(), is_cell_inside()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_get_no_cells(limits, no_cells)
  • limits (6) [integer,in]

  • no_cells (3) [integer,out]

Called from

cpl_send_full(), cpl_get_arrays(), rwrite_arrays()

function  coupler/cpl_map_glob2loc_cell(limits, glob_cell, loc_cell)
  • limits (6) [integer,in]

  • glob_cell (3) [integer,in]

  • loc_cell (3) [integer,out]


ret [logical]


coupler_module (void(), error_abort())

Call to


subroutine  coupler/cpl_get_olap_limits(limits)

Get limits of overlap region as cell indices in global coordinate system, these are as specified in the input file (


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate. - Note: limits(6) are of the form: (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)




  • limits

    • Array of cell extents that specify the overlap region.


limits (6) [integer,out]


coupler_module (icmin_olap(), icmax_olap(), jcmin_olap(), jcmax_olap(), kcmin_olap(), kcmax_olap())

Called from

cpl_map_cell2coord(), cpl_map_coord2cell(), cpl_get_arrays()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_get_cnst_limits(limits)

Get limits of constraint region as cell indices in global coordinate system, these are as specified in the input file ( and must be in the overlap region.


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.

  • Note: limits(6) are of the form: (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)




  • limits

    • Array of cell extents that specify the constrained region.


limits (6) [integer,out]


coupler_module (icmin_cnst(), icmax_cnst(), jcmin_cnst(), jcmax_cnst(), kcmin_cnst(), kcmax_cnst())

Called from

cpl_send_min(), cpl_recv_min()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_get_bnry_limits(limits)

Get limits of boundary region as cell indices in global coordinate system, these are as specified in the input file ( and must be in the overlap region.


Assumes the coupler has been initialised with CPL_init and topological mapping has been setup using either CPL_setup_md or CPL_setup_cfd as appropriate.

  • Note: limits(6) are of the form: (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)




  • limits

    • Array of cell extents that specify the boundary region.


limits (6) [integer,out]


coupler_module (icmin_bnry(), icmax_bnry(), jcmin_bnry(), jcmax_bnry(), kcmin_bnry(), kcmax_bnry())

Called from

cpl_send_min(), cpl_recv_min()

subroutine  coupler/cpl_get_arrays(recv_array, recv_size, send_array, send_size)

A helper function to get arrays of the required size for cells local to the current processor


The first example shows the CFD side of the exchange, with send/recv arrays obtained from CPL_get_arrays

program main_CFD
    use cpl, only : CPL_Init, CPL_setup_cfd, CPL_send, &
                    CPL_recv, CPL_get_arrays, CPL_finalize
    use mpi
    implicit none

    integer :: time, CFD_COMM, CART_COMM, ierr, CFD_realm=1
    double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), & 
         allocatable  :: send_array, recv_array

    call MPI_Init(ierr)
    call CPL_init(CFD_realm, CFD_COMM, ierr)
    call MPI_Cart_create(CFD_COMM, 3, (/1, 1, 1/), & 
                        (/.true.,.true.,.true./), & 
                         .true., CART_COMM, ierr)
    call CPL_setup_cfd(CART_COMM, (/1.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0/), &
                       (/0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0/), &
                       (/32, 32, 32/))

    call CPL_get_arrays(recv_array, 4, send_array, 1)

    do time=1,5
        call CPL_recv(recv_array)
        print*, "CFD", time, recv_array(1,1,1,1)
        send_array(1,:,:,:) = 2.*time
        call CPL_send(send_array)

   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(CFD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_CFD

The corresponding MD code which matches this, note CPL_get_arrays send and recv arrays are swapped over (as send from CFD in recv on MD and vice versa)

program main_MD
    use cpl, only : CPL_Init, CPL_setup_md, CPL_send, &
                    CPL_recv, CPL_get_arrays, CPL_finalize
    use mpi
    implicit none

    integer :: time, MD_COMM, CART_COMM, ierr, MD_realm=2
    double precision, dimension(:,:,:,:), & 
         allocatable  :: send_array, recv_array

    call MPI_Init(ierr)
    call CPL_init(MD_realm, MD_COMM, ierr)
    call MPI_Cart_create(MD_COMM, 3, (/1, 1, 1/), & 
                        (/.true.,.true.,.true./), & 
                         .true., CART_COMM, ierr)
    call CPL_setup_md(CART_COMM, (/1.d0, 1.d0, 1.d0/), &
                       (/0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0/))

    call CPL_get_arrays(recv_array, 1, send_array, 4)

    do time=1,5
        send_array(1,:,:,:) = 5.*time
        call CPL_send(send_array)
        call CPL_recv(recv_array)
        print*, "MD", time, recv_array(1,1,1,1)

   call CPL_finalize(ierr)
   call MPI_comm_free(MD_COMM,ierr)
   call MPI_finalize(ierr)

end program main_MD

These are then both run together, either MPMD or port connect modes

  • precision [double]

  • recv_size [integer]

  • precision

  • send_size [integer]

Call to

cpl_get_olap_limits(), cpl_my_proc_portion(), cpl_get_no_cells()

function  coupler/cpl_is_proc_inside(region)

region (6) [integer,in]


res [logical]


coupler_module (void())

function  coupler/is_cell_inside(cell, limits)
  • cell (3) [integer,in]

  • limits (6) [integer,in]


res [logical]


coupler_module (void())

Called from

cpl_map_cell2coord(), cpl_map_coord2cell(), cpl_map_glob2loc_cell()

function  coupler/is_coord_inside(coord, coord_limits)
  • coord (3) [real,in]

  • coord_limits (6) [real,in]


res [logical]

Called from

cpl_map_md2cfd_coord(), cpl_map_cfd2md_coord()

function  coupler/coupler_md_get_save_period()

p [integer]


coupler_module (save_period())

function  coupler/coupler_md_get_average_period()

p [integer]


coupler_module (average_period())

function  coupler/coupler_md_get_md_steps_per_cfd_dt()

p [integer]


coupler_module (timestep_ratio())

function  coupler/cpl_cfd_dt()

p [real]


coupler_module (dt_cfd())

subroutine  coupler/test_python(integer_p, double_p, bool_p, integer_pptr, double_pptr)
  • integer_p [integer,in]

  • double_p [real,in]

  • bool_p [logical,in]

  • integer_pptr (*) [integer]

  • double_pptr (*) [real]

subroutine  coupler/mpi_errorcheck(ierr)

ierr [integer,in]

